What am I missing? Send me your links and I'll add them to the list - thanks!
- namm.org - national association of music merchants
- Vintage Guitar - monthly magazine with lots of vintage and historical information on guitars. They also publish a definitive price guide each year. DEFinitely check them out if you haven't.
- tedgreene.com - Ted Greene was a superlative guitarist and music edcutator in Southern California who published instruction books and taught guitar for many years. His site continues to provide music and material that is well worth investigating and enjoying.
- StewMac - guitar building and repair tools and supplies - lots of them! Plus helpful instructional videos and examples of repairs, upgrades, installs and more
- amazon.com - of course! Need something quick? amazon makes it easy.
- D'addario - strings and more. I use their strings exclusively and recommend them for best results. There are many choices but they're my go-to for consistent reliable quality and range of choices.
- juststrings.com - strings. Lots of strings. If D'Addario doesn't have what I need I check them out.
- sweetwater.com - got GAS? When gear acquisition syndrome hits, they can scratch that itch. They have great online customer support and can provide information and guidance. Anytime I buy anything, I like to check sweetwater first.
- Guitar Center - before or after sweetwater I check Guitar Center too.
- reverb.com - and in-between I check reverb.com....great resource for used and new equipment, parts, etc.